Top 5 most expensive birthstones

The Top 5 Most Expensive Birthstones Revealed

Top 5 most expensive birthstones

Birthstones are gemstones that are associated with each month of the year and are often thought to bring good luck, protection, and other positive qualities to those born in that particular month.

Here is a list of traditional birthstones for each month:

January – Garnet:

Typically, deep red, garnet symbolizes love, friendship, and protection.

February – Amethyst:

A purple quartz gemstone, amethyst is associated with calmness, balance, and clarity.

March – Aquamarine:

 Light blue or greenish-blue, aquamarine is believed to bring courage, intelligence, and inner peace.

April – Diamond:

Symbolizing eternal love and strength, diamonds are often associated with purity and clarity.

May – Emerald:

A vibrant green gemstone, emerald is associated with fertility, rebirth, and love.

June – Pearl, Alexandrite, or Moonstone:

Pearls symbolize purity and innocence, while alexandrite is known for its color-changing properties. Moonstone represents intuition and balance.

July – Ruby:

A deep red gemstone, rubies are associated with passion, prosperity, and protection.

August – Peridot or Spinel:

Peridot is a light green gemstone associated with good fortune and protection. Spinel is available in various colors, and it is believed to enhance energy and vitality.

September – Sapphire:

Typically blue, sapphires are associated with wisdom, loyalty, and nobility.

October – Opal or Tourmaline:

 Opals are known for their iridescent play of colors and are associated with creativity and inspiration. Tourmalines come in various colors and are believed to promote balance and harmony.

November – Topaz or Citrine:

Topaz comes in various colors and is associated with strength and intelligence. Citrine, a golden-yellow gemstone, symbolizes abundance and prosperity.

December – Turquoise, Zircon, or Tanzanite:

Turquoise is a blue-green gemstone associated with protection and good fortune. Zircon comes in various colors, and Tanzanite is typically blue and symbolizes clarity and transformation.

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Here is a list of the Top 5 most expensive birthstones:

  • Alexandrite – $20k+ per carat
  • Ruby – $10k+ per carat
  • Emerald – $4k+ per carat
  • Diamond – $3k+ per carat
  • Sapphire – $2k+ per carat


This birthstone lies at number 1st in our list of the Top 5 most expensive birthstones. Alexandrite is a remarkable and rare gemstone known for its unique color-changing properties. The most common color change is from green in daylight or fluorescent light to reddish-purple under incandescent light. Named after Alexander II of Russia, alexandrite was first discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia in the 1830s. Alexandrite is often used in jewelry, including rings, earrings, and pendants.


This birthstone lies at number 2nd in our list of the Top 5 most expensive birthstones. Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language that is known for its simplicity and productivity. It was designed and developed by Yukihiro “Matz”


 Everything in Ruby is an object, including numbers and other primitive data types. This means that Ruby follows the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP), where actions are performed by calling methods on objects.

Dynamic Typing:

 Ruby is dynamically typed, meaning you don’t need to declare the data type of a variable when you define it.

Interpreted Language:

 Ruby is often interpreted, which means that it is executed line by line by an interpreter, rather than being compiled into machine code before execution.


The community-driven development model has led to the creation of numerous open-source projects, gems, and resources.


Ruby is known for its powerful metaprogramming capabilities. This allows developers to write code that can modify itself or extend its functionality at runtime.


This birthstone lies at number 3rd in our list of the Top 5 most expensive birthstones.


Emerald is a precious gemstone and a variety of the mineral beryl. It is known for its vibrant green color and is one of the traditional “big four” gemstones, alongside sapphire, ruby, and diamond.


Emerald is also associated with a specific shade of green, often described as a rich, deep green color. The term is frequently used to describe the color of certain gemstones, clothing, or other objects.


 Emerald is sometimes used as a name for places. For example, there are towns and regions named Emerald in various countries.


Diamond is a precious gemstone and one of the hardest naturally occurring materials known to man. It is a crystalline form of carbon, with its atoms arranged in a crystal lattice structure. Diamonds are renowned for their exceptional brilliance, sparkle, and durability, making them highly valued in various industries, particularly in jewelry.

Here are some key points about diamonds:


Diamonds are formed deep within the Earth’s mantle under high pressure and temperature conditions. They are brought closer to the surface through volcanic eruptions in structures known as kimberlite pipes.

Chemical Composition:

Diamonds are composed of carbon atoms arranged in a tetrahedral crystal lattice structure.


Diamonds have a Mohs hardness of 10, making them the hardest natural substance. This hardness contributes to their durability and resistance to scratching.


Diamonds come in a range of colors, including colorless, yellow, brown, and rare fancy colors like blue, pink, and green.

Industrial Uses:

 Besides being prized in jewelry, diamonds also have various industrial applications due to their hardness. They are used in cutting, grinding, and drilling tools for applications such as mining and construction.

Synthetic Diamonds:

 With advancements in technology, synthetic diamonds can now be created in laboratories. While they have the same physical and chemical properties as natural diamonds, they are often more affordable and raise ethical considerations in the jewelry industry.


This birthstone lies at number 5th in our list of the Top 5 most expensive birthstones.

Gemstone Sapphire:

  • A sapphire is a precious gemstone belonging to the corundum family. It is typically blue, but it can come in various colors except red (red corundum is classified as a ruby).
  • Sapphires are known for their hardness, second only to diamonds, making them highly prized for use in jewelry.

Sapphire Crystal in Watches:

High-end watches often use sapphire crystals as a transparent cover for the watch face.

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